JMX MBean View


Wed Dec 11 15:02:44 CET 2024
DescriptionInformation on the management interface of the MBean

Attribute Name Access Type Description Attribute Value
Version R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
2.2.5.Final (HQ_2_2_5_FINAL_AS7, 121)    
Started R boolean Attribute exposed for management
QueueNames R [Ljava.lang.String; Attribute exposed for management
TopicNames R [Ljava.lang.String; Attribute exposed for management
ConnectionFactoryNames R [Ljava.lang.String; Attribute exposed for management

Operation Return Type Description Parameters
createQueue boolean Create a JMS Queue
name java.lang.String Name of the queue to create
jndiBindings java.lang.String comma-separated list of JNDI bindings (use ',' if u need to use commas in your jndi name)
selector java.lang.String the jms selector
durable boolean durability of the queue TrueFalse
createQueue boolean Create a JMS Queue
name java.lang.String Name of the queue to create
jndiBindings java.lang.String comma-separated list of JNDI bindings (use ',' if u need to use commas in your jndi name)
selector java.lang.String the jms selector
createQueue boolean Create a JMS Queue
name java.lang.String Name of the queue to create
jndiBindings java.lang.String comma-separated list of JNDI bindings (use ',' if u need to use commas in your jndi name)
createQueue boolean Create a JMS Queue
name java.lang.String Name of the queue to create
destroyQueue boolean Destroy a JMS Queue
name java.lang.String Name of the queue to destroy
createTopic boolean Create a JMS Topic
name java.lang.String Name of the topic to create
jndiBindings java.lang.String comma-separated list of JNDI bindings (use ',' if u need to use commas in your jndi name)
createTopic boolean Create a JMS Topic
name java.lang.String Name of the topic to create
destroyTopic boolean Destroy a JMS Topic
name java.lang.String Name of the topic to destroy
createConnectionFactory void Create a JMS ConnectionFactory
name java.lang.String N/A
ha boolean N/A TrueFalse
useDiscovery boolean should we use discovery or a connector configuration TrueFalse
cfType int RegularCF=0, QueueCF=1, TopicCF=2, XACF=3, QueueXACF=4, TopicXACF=5
connectorNames java.lang.String comma-separated list of connectorNames or the discovery group name
jndiBindings java.lang.String comma-separated list of JNDI bindings (use ',' if u need to use commas in your jndi name)
clientID java.lang.String The clientID configured for the connectionFactory
clientFailureCheckPeriod long clientFailureCheckPeriod
connectionTTL long connectionTTL
callTimeout long callTimeout
minLargeMessageSize int minLargeMessageSize
compressLargeMessages boolean compressLargeMessages TrueFalse
consumerWindowSize int consumerWindowSize
consumerMaxRate int consumerMaxRate
confirmationWindowSize int confirmationWindowSize
producerWindowSize int producerWindowSize
producerMaxRate int producerMaxRate
blockOnAcknowledge boolean blockOnAcknowledge TrueFalse
blockOnDurableSend boolean blockOnDurableSend TrueFalse
blockOnNonDurableSend boolean blockOnNonDurableSend TrueFalse
autoGroup boolean autoGroup TrueFalse
preAcknowledge boolean preAcknowledge TrueFalse
loadBalancingPolicyClassName java.lang.String loadBalancingPolicyClassName (null or blank mean use the default value)
transactionBatchSize int transactionBatchSize
dupsOKBatchSize int dupsOKBatchSize
useGlobalPools boolean useGlobalPools TrueFalse
scheduledThreadPoolMaxSize int scheduledThreadPoolMaxSize
threadPoolMaxSize int threadPoolMaxSize
retryInterval long retryInterval
retryIntervalMultiplier double retryIntervalMultiplier
maxRetryInterval long maxRetryInterval
reconnectAttempts int reconnectAttempts
failoverOnInitialConnection boolean failoverOnInitialConnection TrueFalse
groupId java.lang.String groupId
createConnectionFactory void createConnectionFactory
p 1 java.lang.String parameter 1
p 2 boolean parameter 2 TrueFalse
p 3 boolean parameter 3 TrueFalse
cfType int RegularCF=0, QueueCF=1, TopicCF=2, XACF=3, QueueXACF=4, TopicXACF=5
p 5 [Ljava.lang.String; parameter 5
p 6 [Ljava.lang.Object; parameter 6
createConnectionFactory void Create a JMS ConnectionFactory
name java.lang.String N/A
ha boolean N/A TrueFalse
useDiscovery boolean should we use discovery or a connector configuration TrueFalse
cfType int RegularCF=0, QueueCF=1, TopicCF=2, XACF=3, QueueXACF=4, TopicXACF=5
connectorNames java.lang.String comma-separated list of connectorNames or the discovery group name
jndiBindings java.lang.String comma-separated list of JNDI bindings (use ',' if u need to use commas in your jndi name)
createConnectionFactory void Create a JMS ConnectionFactory
name java.lang.String N/A
ha boolean N/A TrueFalse
useDiscovery boolean should we use discovery or a connector configuration TrueFalse
cfType int RegularCF=0, QueueCF=1, TopicCF=2, XACF=3, QueueXACF=4, TopicXACF=5
connectorNames [Ljava.lang.String; An array of connector or the binding address
jndiBindings [Ljava.lang.String; array JNDI bindings (use ',' if u need to use commas in your jndi name)
clientID java.lang.String The clientID configured for the connectionFactory
clientFailureCheckPeriod long clientFailureCheckPeriod
connectionTTL long connectionTTL
callTimeout long callTimeout
minLargeMessageSize int minLargeMessageSize
compressLargeMessages boolean compressLargeMessages TrueFalse
consumerWindowSize int consumerWindowSize
consumerMaxRate int consumerMaxRate
confirmationWindowSize int confirmationWindowSize
producerWindowSize int producerWindowSize
producerMaxRate int producerMaxRate
blockOnAcknowledge boolean blockOnAcknowledge TrueFalse
blockOnDurableSend boolean blockOnDurableSend TrueFalse
blockOnNonDurableSend boolean blockOnNonDurableSend TrueFalse
autoGroup boolean autoGroup TrueFalse
preAcknowledge boolean preAcknowledge TrueFalse
loadBalancingPolicyClassName java.lang.String loadBalancingPolicyClassName (null or blank mean use the default value)
transactionBatchSize int transactionBatchSize
dupsOKBatchSize int dupsOKBatchSize
useGlobalPools boolean useGlobalPools TrueFalse
scheduledThreadPoolMaxSize int scheduledThreadPoolMaxSize
threadPoolMaxSize int threadPoolMaxSize
retryInterval long retryInterval
retryIntervalMultiplier double retryIntervalMultiplier
maxRetryInterval long maxRetryInterval
reconnectAttempts int reconnectAttempts
failoverOnInitialConnection boolean failoverOnInitialConnection TrueFalse
groupId java.lang.String groupId
destroyConnectionFactory void Destroy a JMS ConnectionFactory
name java.lang.String Name of the ConnectionFactory to destroy
listRemoteAddresses [Ljava.lang.String; List the client addresses which match the given IP Address
ipAddress java.lang.String an IP address
listRemoteAddresses [Ljava.lang.String; List the client addresses
[no parameters]
closeConnectionsForAddress boolean Closes all the connections for the given IP Address
ipAddress java.lang.String an IP address
listConnectionIDs [Ljava.lang.String; List all the connection IDs
[no parameters]
listSessions [Ljava.lang.String; List the sessions for the given connectionID
connectionID java.lang.String a connection ID
listPreparedTransactionDetailsAsJSON java.lang.String List all the prepared transaction, sorted by date, oldest first, with details, in JSON format
[no parameters]
listPreparedTransactionDetailsAsHTML java.lang.String List all the prepared transaction, sorted by date, oldest first, with details, in HTML format
[no parameters]
listConnectionsAsJSON java.lang.String List all JMS connections
[no parameters]
listConsumersAsJSON java.lang.String List all JMS consumers associated to a JMS Connection
connectionID java.lang.String a connection ID
listAllConsumersAsJSON java.lang.String List all JMS consumers associated to a JMS Connection
[no parameters]
listTargetDestinations [Ljava.lang.String; Lists all addresses to which the designated session has sent messages
sessionID java.lang.String a session ID
getLastSentMessageID java.lang.String Returns the last sent message's ID from the given session to an address
sessionID java.lang.String session name
address java.lang.String address
getSessionCreationTime java.lang.String Gets the sessions creation time
sessionID java.lang.String session name
listSessionsAsJSON java.lang.String List the sessions for the given connectionID
connectionID java.lang.String a connection ID