JMX MBean View


Fri Apr 19 08:23:15 CEST 2024
DescriptionInformation on the management interface of the MBean

Attribute Name Access Type Description Attribute Value
Version R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
2.2.5.Final (HQ_2_2_5_FINAL_AS7, 121)    
Started R boolean Attribute exposed for management
Clustered R boolean Attribute exposed for management
QueueNames R [Ljava.lang.String; Attribute exposed for management
PersistDeliveryCountBeforeDelivery R boolean Attribute exposed for management
Backup R boolean Attribute exposed for management
SharedStore R boolean Attribute exposed for management
PersistenceEnabled R boolean Attribute exposed for management
ThreadPoolMaxSize R int Attribute exposed for management
ScheduledThreadPoolMaxSize R int Attribute exposed for management
SecurityInvalidationInterval R long Attribute exposed for management
SecurityEnabled R boolean Attribute exposed for management
InterceptorClassNames R [Ljava.lang.String; Attribute exposed for management
ConnectionTTLOverride R long Attribute exposed for management
AsyncConnectionExecutionEnabled R boolean Attribute exposed for management
LiveConnectorName R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
ManagementAddress R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management    
ManagementNotificationAddress R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
FailoverOnServerShutdown RW boolean Attribute exposed for management
IDCacheSize R int Attribute exposed for management
PersistIDCache R boolean Attribute exposed for management
BindingsDirectory R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
JournalDirectory R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
JournalType R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
JournalSyncTransactional R boolean Attribute exposed for management
JournalSyncNonTransactional R boolean Attribute exposed for management
JournalFileSize R int Attribute exposed for management
JournalCompactMinFiles R int Attribute exposed for management
JournalCompactPercentage R int Attribute exposed for management
JournalMinFiles R int Attribute exposed for management
CreateBindingsDir R boolean Attribute exposed for management
CreateJournalDir R boolean Attribute exposed for management
PagingDirectory R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
LargeMessagesDirectory R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
WildcardRoutingEnabled R boolean Attribute exposed for management
TransactionTimeout R long Attribute exposed for management
MessageCounterEnabled R boolean Attribute exposed for management
MessageCounterSamplePeriod RW long Attribute exposed for management
TransactionTimeoutScanPeriod R long Attribute exposed for management
MessageExpiryScanPeriod R long Attribute exposed for management
MessageExpiryThreadPriority R long Attribute exposed for management
ConnectionCount R int Attribute exposed for management
JournalMaxIO R int Attribute exposed for management
JournalBufferSize R int Attribute exposed for management
JournalBufferTimeout R int Attribute exposed for management
MessageCounterMaxDayCount RW int Attribute exposed for management
Connectors R [Ljava.lang.Object; Attribute exposed for management
ConnectorsAsJSON R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
AddressNames R [Ljava.lang.String; Attribute exposed for management
DivertNames R [Ljava.lang.String; Attribute exposed for management
BridgeNames R [Ljava.lang.String; Attribute exposed for management

Operation Return Type Description Parameters
getRoles [Ljava.lang.Object; get roles for a specific address match
addressMatch java.lang.String an address match
createBridge void Create a Bridge
name java.lang.String Name of the bridge
queueName java.lang.String Name of the source queue
forwardingAddress java.lang.String Forwarding address
filterString java.lang.String Filter of the brdige
transformerClassName java.lang.String Class name of the bridge transformer
retryInterval long Connection retry interval
retryIntervalMultiplier double Connection retry interval multiplier
reconnectAttempts int Number of reconnection attempts
useDuplicateDetection boolean Use duplicate detection TrueFalse
confirmationWindowSize int Confirmation window size
clientFailureCheckPeriod long Period to check client failure
staticConnectorNames java.lang.String comma separated list of connector names or name of discovery group if 'useDiscoveryGroup' is set to true
useDiscoveryGroup boolean use discovery group TrueFalse
ha boolean Is it using HA TrueFalse
user java.lang.String User name
password java.lang.String User password
createQueue void Create a queue
address java.lang.String Address of the queue
name java.lang.String Name of the queue
filter java.lang.String Filter of the queue
durable boolean Is the queue durable? TrueFalse
createQueue void Create a queue with the specified address, name and durability
address java.lang.String Address of the queue
name java.lang.String Name of the queue
durable boolean Is the queue durable? TrueFalse
createQueue void Create a queue with the specified address
address java.lang.String Address of the queue
name java.lang.String Name of the queue
addAddressSettings void Add address settings for addresses matching the addressMatch
addressMatch java.lang.String an address match
DLA java.lang.String the dead letter address setting
expiryAddress java.lang.String the expiry address setting
lastValueQueue boolean are any queues created for this address a last value queue TrueFalse
deliveryAttempts int the delivery attempts
maxSizeBytes long the max size in bytes
pageSizeBytes int the page size in bytes
pageMaxCacheSize int the max number of pages in the soft memory cache
redeliveryDelay long the redelivery delay
redistributionDelay long the redistribution delay
sendToDLAOnNoRoute boolean do we send to the DLA when there is no where to route the message TrueFalse
addressFullMessagePolicy java.lang.String the ploicy to use when the address is full
addSecuritySettings void Add security settings for addresses matching the addressMatch
addressMatch java.lang.String an address match
send java.lang.String a comma-separated list of roles allowed to send messages
consume java.lang.String a comma-separated list of roles allowed to consume messages
createDurableQueueRoles java.lang.String a comma-separated list of roles allowed to create durable queues
deleteDurableQueueRoles java.lang.String a comma-separated list of roles allowed to delete durable queues
createNonDurableQueueRoles java.lang.String a comma-separated list of roles allowed to create non durable queues
deleteNonDurableQueueRoles java.lang.String a comma-separated list of roles allowed to delete non durable queues
manage java.lang.String a comma-separated list of roles allowed to send management messages messages
destroyQueue void Destroy a queue
name java.lang.String Name of the queue to destroy
removeSecuritySettings void Remove security settings for an address
addressMatch java.lang.String an address match
removeAddressSettings void removeAddressSettings
p 1 java.lang.String parameter 1
getAddressSettingsAsJSON java.lang.String returns the address settings as a JSON string for an address match
addressMatch java.lang.String an address match
getRolesAsJSON java.lang.String get roles (as a JSON string) for a specific address match
addressMatch java.lang.String an address match
listRemoteAddresses [Ljava.lang.String; List the client addresses which match the given IP Address
ipAddress java.lang.String an IP address
listRemoteAddresses [Ljava.lang.String; List the client addresses
[no parameters]
closeConnectionsForAddress boolean Closes all the connections for the given IP Address
ipAddress java.lang.String an IP address
listConnectionIDs [Ljava.lang.String; List all the connection IDs
[no parameters]
listSessions [Ljava.lang.String; List the sessions for the given connectionID
connectionID java.lang.String a connection ID
listPreparedTransactionDetailsAsJSON java.lang.String List all the prepared transaction, sorted by date, oldest first, with details, in JSON format
[no parameters]
listPreparedTransactionDetailsAsHTML java.lang.String List all the prepared transaction, sorted by date, oldest first, with details, in HTML format
[no parameters]
deployQueue void Deploy a queue
address java.lang.String Address of the queue
name java.lang.String Name of the queue
filter java.lang.String Filter of the queue
durable boolean Is the queue durable? TrueFalse
deployQueue void Deploy a queue
address java.lang.String Address of the queue
name java.lang.String Name of the queue
filter java.lang.String Filter of the queue
destroyDivert void Destroy a Divert
name java.lang.String Name of the divert
destroyBridge void Destroy a bridge
name java.lang.String Name of the bridge
enableMessageCounters void Enable message counters
[no parameters]
disableMessageCounters void Disable message counters
[no parameters]
resetAllMessageCounters void Reset all message counters
[no parameters]
resetAllMessageCounterHistories void Reset all message counters history
[no parameters]
listPreparedTransactions [Ljava.lang.String; List all the prepared transaction, sorted by date, oldest first
[no parameters]
listHeuristicCommittedTransactions [Ljava.lang.String; listHeuristicCommittedTransactions
[no parameters]
listHeuristicRolledBackTransactions [Ljava.lang.String; listHeuristicRolledBackTransactions
[no parameters]
commitPreparedTransaction boolean Commit a prepared transaction
transactionAsBase64 java.lang.String the Base64 representation of a transaction
rollbackPreparedTransaction boolean Rollback a prepared transaction
transactionAsBase64 java.lang.String the Base64 representation of a transaction
listProducersInfoAsJSON java.lang.String listProducersInfoAsJSON
[no parameters]
sendQueueInfoToQueue void sendQueueInfoToQueue
p 1 java.lang.String parameter 1
p 2 java.lang.String parameter 2
createDivert void Create a Divert
name java.lang.String Name of the divert
routingName java.lang.String Routing name of the divert
address java.lang.String Address to divert from
forwardingAddress java.lang.String Adress to divert to
exclusive boolean Is the divert exclusive? TrueFalse
filterString java.lang.String Filter of the divert
transformerClassName java.lang.String Class name of the divert's transformer
forceFailover void force the server to stop and notify clients to failover
[no parameters]