JMX MBean View


Sun Feb 16 13:27:40 CET 2025
DescriptionInformation on the management interface of the MBean

Attribute Name Access Type Description Attribute Value
Address R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
Name R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
Filter R java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
ID R long Attribute exposed for management
Paused R boolean Attribute exposed for management
Temporary R boolean Attribute exposed for management
DeadLetterAddress RW java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
ExpiryAddress RW java.lang.String Attribute exposed for management
Durable R boolean Attribute exposed for management
ConsumerCount R int Attribute exposed for management
MessageCount R long Attribute exposed for management
DeliveringCount R int Attribute exposed for management
ScheduledCount R long Attribute exposed for management
MessagesAdded R long Attribute exposed for management

Operation Return Type Description Parameters
resume void Resumes delivery of queued messages and gets the queue out of paused state.
[no parameters]
removeMessage boolean Remove the message corresponding to the given messageID
messageID long A message ID
listConsumersAsJSON java.lang.String List all the existent consumers on the Queue
[no parameters]
removeMessages int Remove the messages corresponding to the given filter (and returns the number of removed messages)
filter java.lang.String A message filter (can be empty)
pause void Pauses the Queue
[no parameters]
sendMessageToDeadLetterAddress boolean Send the message corresponding to the given messageID to this queue's Dead Letter Address
messageID long A message ID
sendMessagesToDeadLetterAddress int Send the messages corresponding to the given filter to this queue's Dead Letter Address
filter java.lang.String A message filter (can be empty)
listScheduledMessages [Ljava.util.Map; List the messages scheduled for delivery
[no parameters]
listScheduledMessagesAsJSON java.lang.String List the messages scheduled for delivery and returns them using JSON
[no parameters]
listMessages [Ljava.util.Map; List all the messages in the queue matching the given filter
filter java.lang.String A message filter (can be empty)
listMessagesAsJSON java.lang.String List all the messages in the queue matching the given filter and returns them using JSON
filter java.lang.String A message filter (can be empty)
countMessages long Returns the number of the messages in the queue matching the given filter
filter java.lang.String A message filter (can be empty)
expireMessage boolean Remove the message corresponding to the given messageID
messageID long A message ID
expireMessages int Expire the messages corresponding to the given filter (and returns the number of expired messages)
filter java.lang.String A message filter
moveMessage boolean Move the message corresponding to the given messageID to another queue
messageID long A message ID
otherQueueName java.lang.String The name of the queue to move the message to
rejectDuplicates boolean Reject messages identified as duplicate by the duplicate message TrueFalse
moveMessage boolean Move the message corresponding to the given messageID to another queue. rejectDuplicate=false on this case
messageID long A message ID
otherQueueName java.lang.String The name of the queue to move the message to
moveMessages int Move the messages corresponding to the given filter (and returns the number of moved messages). RejectDuplicates=false on this case.
filter java.lang.String A message filter (can be empty)
otherQueueName java.lang.String The name of the queue to move the messages to
moveMessages int Move the messages corresponding to the given filter (and returns the number of moved messages)
filter java.lang.String A message filter (can be empty)
otherQueueName java.lang.String The name of the queue to move the messages to
rejectDuplicates boolean Reject messages identified as duplicate by the duplicate message TrueFalse
changeMessagesPriority int Change the priority of the messages corresponding to the given filter
filter java.lang.String A message filter (can be empty)
newPriority int the new priority (between 0 and 9)
changeMessagePriority boolean Change the priority of the message corresponding to the given messageID
messageID long A message ID
newPriority int the new priority (between 0 and 9)
listMessageCounter java.lang.String List the message counters
[no parameters]
resetMessageCounter void Reset the message counters
[no parameters]
listMessageCounterAsHTML java.lang.String List the message counters as HTML
[no parameters]
listMessageCounterHistory java.lang.String List the message counters history
[no parameters]
listMessageCounterHistoryAsHTML java.lang.String List the message counters history HTML
[no parameters]